Saturday, June 23, 2007

June's a Slow Month

After a very slow June, it was finally time for celebration, yes yet another Chinese National Holiday, May Day and what do we get well we get 7 days off. Though it turned out not to be quite as good as it sounds. Having been working my tiny bootie off with the new company, my own dear firm had slipped by the wayside, something had to be done and this was just the time to do it. So I ended up spending the majority of my holiday, sitting in front of a computer working away, this did have significant benefits though as my companies new website was finished and a new client gained. I did manage to get out a couple of times though, and spend some time with my girlfriend, (if I hadn't I think I would have been sleeping on the sofa). We had some great weather and some god dam awful weather, but when it wasn’t pouring down it was very nice and we went to the park and to the zoo.