Saturday, June 23, 2007

Big Boss Man Get's A Lap Dance

Yet another one of those party nights at my friends house Andreas & Elaina, now these guy’s are from Ecuador, and they know how to party. This was going to be a small social night with Thomas, Irene, Nicholas and Ofer, or so I thought. The evening started off the usual way, some drinks and chatting, what have you been doing this week, how’s work and so on, you know the sort of thing.
Then came out the food, steaming its way from the kitchen from master chef Andreas was a delicious selection of fillings for out tortillas, chicken, beef, mixed veg oh it was so so good, not a Chinese spring roll or chopstick in sight. Well after gorging ourselves till were felt sick, it was time for some fun and games, this has become somewhat of a tradition now at our gatherings, all involving a hefty amount of drink.
We start playing truth or dare, which results in a lot of dares mostly involving making an idiot of yourself followed by downing a lethal concoction of alcohol.Well I had done my turn and kissed the dog, but we won’t go into that, so the game comes around to my darling Julia, and yes she got a dare. After some thought from the rest of the crowd they decided she was to give ‘Da Boss’ a lap dance, (after we had explained what one was…ahhhh so sweet & innocent) so with me puffing away on my Cuban cigar Julia, did a sexy little dance for me, she was a good sport and we all salute her, you go girl.