Saturday, June 23, 2007

Big Boss Man Get's A Lap Dance

Yet another one of those party nights at my friends house Andreas & Elaina, now these guy’s are from Ecuador, and they know how to party. This was going to be a small social night with Thomas, Irene, Nicholas and Ofer, or so I thought. The evening started off the usual way, some drinks and chatting, what have you been doing this week, how’s work and so on, you know the sort of thing.
Then came out the food, steaming its way from the kitchen from master chef Andreas was a delicious selection of fillings for out tortillas, chicken, beef, mixed veg oh it was so so good, not a Chinese spring roll or chopstick in sight. Well after gorging ourselves till were felt sick, it was time for some fun and games, this has become somewhat of a tradition now at our gatherings, all involving a hefty amount of drink.
We start playing truth or dare, which results in a lot of dares mostly involving making an idiot of yourself followed by downing a lethal concoction of alcohol.Well I had done my turn and kissed the dog, but we won’t go into that, so the game comes around to my darling Julia, and yes she got a dare. After some thought from the rest of the crowd they decided she was to give ‘Da Boss’ a lap dance, (after we had explained what one was…ahhhh so sweet & innocent) so with me puffing away on my Cuban cigar Julia, did a sexy little dance for me, she was a good sport and we all salute her, you go girl.

June's a Slow Month

After a very slow June, it was finally time for celebration, yes yet another Chinese National Holiday, May Day and what do we get well we get 7 days off. Though it turned out not to be quite as good as it sounds. Having been working my tiny bootie off with the new company, my own dear firm had slipped by the wayside, something had to be done and this was just the time to do it. So I ended up spending the majority of my holiday, sitting in front of a computer working away, this did have significant benefits though as my companies new website was finished and a new client gained. I did manage to get out a couple of times though, and spend some time with my girlfriend, (if I hadn't I think I would have been sleeping on the sofa). We had some great weather and some god dam awful weather, but when it wasn’t pouring down it was very nice and we went to the park and to the zoo.


Now this was my first experience of going to a Chinese Zoo, I had been in Beijing but only saw the aquatic centre, which was excellent by the way. Anyhow back to the story, now if you have ever been to Guangzhou you'll know its a very busy city, full of industry and not a place you would expect to find a large open zoo, but here it is. There were all the different kinds of animals you can imagine, Lions, Tigers, Hippos, Elephants, Camels, bears, Monkeys and Julia’s favourite Pandas, now they were the main reason for going, as I was in big trouble for not taking to see them in Beijing. The zoo actually had a very nice indoor enclosure for the pandas, there were 8 in total. Now that I was in the good books again, we had a lovely day looking at the animals and my own personal favourite was this little baby elephant, he was so cute. But not very skilled at catching the carrots people were trying to feed him, they kept bumping the poor guy on the head, and then he would search and turn around and around trying find where it went.We had to cut the trip short as Julia was being eaten alive by mosquito’s, so we made quick dash for the exit, to find some medicine.

Splish Splash Were Hav'in A Laugh

This weekend brought the sun out and boy was it hot, what better way to cool of than a dip in the old swimming pool, but with us being us this had to be taken up a gear, So were all went to the 'Big Hippo' water park in Guangzhou for some fun and games.
Flume tubes, water slides, scared Chinese folks as pasty white foreigners fly past them, this was all on offer. They have one of the highest slides I have ever seen, and once you see my mate who's 210lbs going down that you have seen everything, run for the hills.
We did the black hole tire ride which was great fun, pitch black sitting on an inflatable tyre, whizzing down, swinging left & right before being shot out and dropping top the pool below. Some of the rides had seen better days and a few of us ended up with scratch marks, but this was nothing compared to our ladies who got the shock of there lives, when there bikinis shoot into private places at 20mph ohhhhhhhh. Still after a few beers, yes beers too, all that pain is soon forgotten.
After being totally childish for almost 6 hours we headed off home for a quick change (and some of my spicy dumplings, (papa Rik's speciality) before going out that evening for our friend Selines leaving do.This was a great evening with BBQ food, cocktails and most importantly a free bottle of Whisky from our good friend, which Thomas and our duly polished off, well it would have been rude not too, surface to say everyone left feeling great ad woke up the next day feeling crap, the true signs of a good night out.