Saturday, June 23, 2007


Now this was my first experience of going to a Chinese Zoo, I had been in Beijing but only saw the aquatic centre, which was excellent by the way. Anyhow back to the story, now if you have ever been to Guangzhou you'll know its a very busy city, full of industry and not a place you would expect to find a large open zoo, but here it is. There were all the different kinds of animals you can imagine, Lions, Tigers, Hippos, Elephants, Camels, bears, Monkeys and Julia’s favourite Pandas, now they were the main reason for going, as I was in big trouble for not taking to see them in Beijing. The zoo actually had a very nice indoor enclosure for the pandas, there were 8 in total. Now that I was in the good books again, we had a lovely day looking at the animals and my own personal favourite was this little baby elephant, he was so cute. But not very skilled at catching the carrots people were trying to feed him, they kept bumping the poor guy on the head, and then he would search and turn around and around trying find where it went.We had to cut the trip short as Julia was being eaten alive by mosquito’s, so we made quick dash for the exit, to find some medicine.