Saturday, August 18, 2007

Da Stinky Mut

Our good friends Andreas and Elena are off on their summer holiday, and being the good guy I am, I offered my dog sitting services to them. So on Saturday afternoon the little pleasure called Pegas arrived. She had all of her belongings with her, bed, toys, food, bowl, and blanket. So she would feel right at home, after a crazy half hour of just running around in our apartment, she finally calmed down. Well the rest of the week was an interesting one never having owned a dog before or had a pet live in an apartment this was quite educational. Now my friends in the UK and family have dogs and they don't require much looking after, but I can tell you this was not the case with Pegas, ph my god what a baby, it needed everything doing for it. When entering the door you must play with her throwing her favourite toys at least 3 times, then because its so hot and humid here in China, she is thirsty from the running so I fetch her some water, the problem is that hen I get up at 7:00am to take her for her walk and once again at 10:oopm she will not go to the loo outside, oh no this lady is to posh for that, and waits until your inside. As soon as some newspaper goes on the floor, she’s there letting rip, fanbloddytastic.
This is not to mention when ever you walk somewhere she follows you, although we did manage to set some rules like she wasn't allowed to follow you in the bathroom, but still its a little distracting when your on the toilet and there’s a small dog trying to peer in through the vent at the bottom of the door. This however was not really to much trouble, the problem came about half way through her stay, when this very strange smell arose and took over my apartment, yes Pegas was one stinky dog, not surprising if you lick you own ass for an hour, then try to kiss your owner urggghhhh nasty.I must admit I would still like to have a dog, but let me tell you don’t have a small one and certainly don't have 0ne if you live in an apartment on the 6th floor, its just don’t work.